
This Man Let Go of Fear to Walk in Faith

Posted on February 5, 2018
Humans are born with only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Every other fear is learned. Really? You mean that I wasn’t born with a fear of spiders or getting lost? Of being abandoned or rejected? You’re right, and fortunately so.

Fear is a powerful thing. It keeps us from loving, risking, and trying. It can rob us of joy, peace, and contentment. Clarity and reason fly out the window, and truth often goes along for the ride.

Mark Bouman, author of The Tank Man’s Son, learned to fear at an early age. “My entire life was controlled and dominated by my father. Being outdoors was my only joy . . . and a thin joy it was. It was less like joy and more like the temporary absence of fear and pain. There were fleeting moments in which fear didn’t cling to my back, whispering to me in my father’s voice." Vicious tirades, brutal beatings, and psychological torture taught Mark that he was “just something else for [his] father to crush."

This belief provides context for Mark’s conclusion: “Each time a new child stood before me, I saw in their eyes that look of hopelessness and desperation. While looking into their little face, I recognized someone: it was me."

We all know what it’s like to feel hopeless or desperate. Maybe it’s an illness, the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one. Maybe it’s the rejection of a significant other or the termination of a friendship. Whatever it may be, the feeling is the same. We feel as if we’ll never recover. We start to believe that there’s no way out and that our past will always define us.

But the Word of God tells a different story. In Genesis 50:20, Joseph says, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Joseph allowed his betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment to be redeemed. Psalm 30:11-12 reminds us of the same truth: “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever!"

What do you fear? Why do you fear it? What would it take for you to say what Joseph said and believe it? Mark Bouman is a living example of how God can redeem our fears and increase our faith.

I leave you with the first two verses of Even When It Hurts by Hillsong United. May they encourage you to praise the Lord, even when it hurts.

Take this fainted heart

Take these tainted hands

Wash me in Your love

Come like grace again

Even when my strength is lost

I'll praise You

Even when I have no song

I'll praise You

Even when it's hard to find the words

Louder then I'll sing Your praise

Written by Joy Reschke, Digital Marketing Specialist at Tyndale House Publishers